Practice transformation in value-based cancer care

At the 2019 Association for Value-Based Cancer Care Summit this year, we sat in on this great panel called “Practice Transformation Embracing Clinical Decision Support Systems and Care Management Processes and Influence on Value Based Cancer Care.” In this post we’ll provide some of the highlights from this panel discussion.

This panel discussion brought together key stakeholders in healthcare: Andrew Norden, MD, MPH, MBA (COTA Healthcare), James Hamrick, MD, MPH (Flatiron), Lee Schwartzberg, MD, FACP (OneOncology; University of Tennessee Health Science Center), Lalan Wilfong, MD (US Oncology; Texas Oncology), Susan Weidner, MBA (Amerisource Bergen). Moderated by Mike Kolodziej, MD. 

Pathways are an important tool to help providers in value-based cancer care delivery 

Several of the panelists mentioned using pathways in their practice and integrating pathways in their healthcare technology solution. When the clinical decision support tool is embedded in a provider’s workflow, it directs the provider to use the pathway or start an exception process. Pathways can also be seen as a way to move toward more cost-effective therapy options and helps ensure the right testing is done. However, social determinants of health can affect pathway use, as well as patient preference. The NCCN guidelines were also discussed as part of pathway design. While providers often want to allow for nuance or customization to each patient at the point of care, starting with NCCN evidence-based guidelines offers a valuable starting point. 

Communication and data sharing is key to better value-based cancer care

Creating a digital network for oncologists to reach each other and share information has benefits for providers and patients. OneOncology was discussed as it opens up communication for providers to share opinions on similar topics. Sharing information seamlessly through a digital platform can help inform providers on what their peers are doing for a particular cancer treatment protocol or patient type. Ensuring providers have access to education is part of the value in information sharing and communication, given that providers have large workloads and face pressures to stay up to date on policy changes and treatment guidelines. 

Use data to motivate physicians to change behavior in the shift to value-based cancer care

As discussed in our post from a recent Definitive Healthcare webinar, data can be useful when organizations are making the shift to value-based care. Data insights for providers and being able to share stats can be impactful in generating changes in behavior. One panelist noted that understanding the motivations of individual doctors allows organizations to find out exactly what will move the needle with them, whether it is data, financial incentives, or something else.

What can providers do for patients? 

  • Engage in shared decision making. Patients need to fully understand the benefits and risks in their treatment plan. 
  • Patient similarity information. Patients benefit when providers share information about how similar patients (based on stage, biomarker, etc) responded to certain treatments. 
  • Reduce distractions for providers. Reducing the administrative burden for providers is important so they can focus on patients is essential to improving care. 
  • Focus on honesty, educational tools, and back end tech. It’s important for patients to have informed consent about the ups and downs of treatment options. 
  • Deliver timely information. Patients can’t be an active participant in their care if they don’t have access to all their information in a timely fashion. 

Navigating Cancer supports practice transformation to value-based care delivery with our oncology patient relationship management platform. Want to learn how our comprehensive solution can help your practice successfully engage in value-based cancer care? Contact us today for a free demo!


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