Every day Navigating Cancer’s education engine delivers timely, personalized education to thousands of patients and their response is overwhelmingly positive. We work with our network of clinic partners to create a holistic patient experience. One key priority is to ensure patients have treatment-specific information so they are empowered to stay on treatment longer.
A recent published study shows that patients who viewed information about their treatment and received self care tips through the Navigating Care platform had a 21% increased treatment adherence and survived longer than those patients who did not participate in the education.1
If you’re not sure if you’re maximizing education to help your patients stay on therapy and realize better outcomes, we can help. Navigating Cancer’s patient education program helps patients understand their diagnosis and know what to expect during treatment and beyond. It gives care teams a convenient and efficient way to instruct, inform and educate patients.
1 Howard, SC et al Increasing the duration and efficacy of intravenous chemotherapy using a patient centered digital education program [abstract] ASCO 2017 AB nr e18025 patients