While secure messaging is a common feature for many portals, Navigating Cancer offers a great way to reach entire patient populations in just a few clicks. With Batch Messaging, practices can send preventive care reminders to multiple patients, generate notifications for specific patient groups, deliver announcements, request patient feedback and more. Batch messaging is not only an efficient way to reach groups of patients, it’s also a great way to improve your Advancing Care Information (ACI) score for MIPS.
Batch Messaging allows you to reach a large number of patients and there’s no need to worry about patients remembering to log into Patient Link – they are alerted via email that a secure message has been sent and is waiting to be viewed in their Patient Link portal.
Patient lists provide a great deal of flexibility – populations can be defined based on a variety of filters including:
- Demographics
- Diagnosis or other medical information
- Practice-related information, including the provider
- Insurance
Contact us to start reaching patient populations today! Whether you want to contact patients of a particular doctor, remind patients over a certain age to get a flu shot, invite patients with a certain diagnosis to a support group at your practice, Batch Messaging is a great tool to provide even better care to your patients!