Part of our mission at Navigating Cancer is to foster an online community for people affected by cancer. Over the last few months we’ve featured a weekly round up of our favorite blog posts from the cancer blogosphere. The cancer survivor community is an active and inspirational group, and we’ve had lots of great personal experiences to choose from. We hope to 1.) shine a spotlight on shared experiences that may be helpful to survivors that are currently in treatment, and 2.) make it easier for cancer survivors to find each other to connect and strengthen the community.
Cancer Blog Directory
To the second point, we recently launched a cancer blog directory that features personal blogs from the cancer survivor community. The cancer blogs are listed by cancer type, and currently we have over 50 blogs listed with more being added each week.
You’ll notice that some blogs have their own directory pages (see related links below), while others are only listed in the main directory. Once we have more than 10 blogs for a specific cancer type, we will create a specific page for all the blogs in that cancer type. On the specific cancer type blog pages more details are available for each blog including blog title, author, and a link to their profile if they are Navigating Cancer member.
Add Your Cancer Blog to the Directory
We invite all active cancer bloggers to add your blog to the list, and please consider posting our badge to your blog so that others can find this resource as well. The code for the badge is available on the blog directory pages.
Thanks to all the cancer bloggers for your willingness to share the good, the bad and the ugly publicly. It takes a strong spirit. Keep up the great work, we’ll see you on the interwebs!